Cervical mucus treatment in India | Symptoms, & Treatment

What is Cervical mucus?

Cervical mucus, also familiar as cervical discharge, cervix produces an instinctive and secure fluid in the lower part of the uterus. It plays a significant role in reproductive health. Cervical mucus protects the uterus and cervix from being infected. Supports the movement of sperm and fertilization. Maintains the pH balance in the reproductive area. Assistance in embryo implantation.

Infertility is a major issue faced by couples nowadays. There can be various reasons for being infertile depending upon both partners’ medical health.

Read More: Frozen Embryo Replacement Cycle (F.E.R.C.)

What kind of responsibility does mucus hold?

There are different roles mucus performs in the single cervix, such as it helps the sperm to swim faster. As the lubricant released through the cervix is very wet and sticky which helps to float the sperms faster and mate with the eggs. Fertilize during days of ovulation also increases the chance of pregnancy. The second role is completely opposite to the first one, it also prevents the sperm and other substances from getting into the cervix.

Infertility causes 

What can be the causes of infertility? Can cervical mucus be a reason for being infertile?

Knowing about your problem is a good sign. That’s also because if you know about your problem at an early stage, it can be cured or might not increase in the future. Infertility can be concluded as unprotected intercourse with failure attempts of conceiving pregnancy for a long time. Infertility reasons can be in both partners, according to a study, one third reason can be a female, one third reason can be a male, and the rest can be both or either the reason can be unidentified or unexplained.

According to research, 5% of couples infertility can be due to abnormal cervical mucus, which obstructs and destroys the penetration of sperm.

Usually the cervical mucus becomes sturdy and impassable to flexible and thin, during the phase of the follicular menstrual cycle, which results in increased estradiol.

Let’s clarify it more!!

In abnormal cervical mucus cases, the impenetrable intact around the time of ovulation can lead to expanding the damage to sperm by enhancing an influx of vaginal bacteria due to cervicitis. In very rare cases, the mucus embraces the antibodies against sperm. Just imagine your uterus as a swimming pool, the cervical mucus as a wet lubricant as water and the sperm as a person to swim. Swimming in a pool with filled water is easier to reach but in case the person is in a mud like pool with a thick and dry area, it is hard to swim and cross the path.

Cervical mucus treatment in India 

Cervical mucus is a kind of fluid produced by the cervix. Cervical mucus changes regularly throughout the menstrual cycle. Slippery and wet cervical mucus implies a good sign of fertility. This kind of discharge in women makes the sperm go with the flow to an egg ovulation and gives a better success result in conceiving. Change in colour, volume, and textures of cervical mucus is due to the hormones during the menstrual cycle days.

  • Days 1 to 6 consist of a dry and sticky form of cervical mucus.
  • Days 7 to 9 consist of a creamy texture.
  • Days 10 to 12 creamy and wet form of cervical mucus.
  • Days 13 and 14 become egg white.

These days explained above help a woman to find the most fertile days of ovulation, and it becomes the peak stage of her conceiving. Before the days of ovulation this mucus is kind of thick, dry, white which finds the sperm to swim in slow movement, and also it is not a good time of conceiving. Cervical mucus treatment in India provides the best facilities in terms of medical treatment. India is emerging as one of the best countries to give better health services and facilities that are convenient for patients. All the advanced machines for better treatment are available in Indian hospitals that will lead you to one destination for every treatment.  The team of senior doctors with great experience gives you immense morale to deal with. Facilities of the best fertility hospitals with enormous care and affection of staff lead you to a better and stress free environment. The cervical mucus treatment cost in India is 1500 USD – 2500 USD depending on the aspect of different locations, choice of hospitals, the health conditions of the patients, qualified and experienced doctors and so on.

Which city, hospitals, or team of doctors are best to opt for?

India is a vast country and has many best clinics to choose from different cities and regions, selecting the best in them is a really difficult task. Here we have solved your issue with all the benefits in terms of affordable rates, experienced doctors, high-tech and advanced machines with caring staff. Cervical mucus treatment in India will not leave you in regret, as it’s one of the best countries emerging in medical treatment. There are many IVF Treatment in India where you can get the best treatment for IVF related issues.

The best fertility clinics are listed below:

  1. World IVF Centre
  2. Baby Science
  3. Birla Fertility
  4. ART Clinics
  5. SCI IVF Hospital.
  6. Ferticity Fertility Clinic

Some more questions in mind, let’s be quick!!!


Which city is the best for Cervical mucus treatment in India?

Answer. Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai can be the better option for such treatment. 

What will be the cost of  Cervical mucus treatment without/separate IVF in India? 

Answer. It will cost you around 1500 USD to 2500 USD, and can vary in different locations, fertility centres or other aspects.

Who needs cervical mucus treatment ?

Answer. Women with dry and no cervical produce in the uterus, and can be the reason for being infertile can opt for this treatment.