PCOD and PCOS: Causes
PCOD and PCOS causes are unidentified. It is a condition that impacts a female’s ovaries. PCOS women produce a high amount of androgen hormones compared to PCOD women.
Let’s understand separately.
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Understanding PCOD?
Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) is a condition where ovaries develop immature or slightly mature eggs. Sometimes, these eggs are unable to ovulate and become cysts over time. However, PCOD does not impact fertility. PCOD can be treated with some lifestyle changes or medications. It is believed that PCOD can take place due to poor lifestyle, hormonal imbalance, obesity, or stress. Fortunately, PCOD is not a condition that creates serious complications. Women with this condition can experience symptoms ranging from light to extreme. Nevertheless, these symptoms can be treated.
Some of the researchers have introduced it as an environmental and genetic cause. For example, some of the common causes include:
- Poor nutrition or unhealthy diet
- Inactive physical health
- Pollution
- Excessive intake of medicine and supplements
- Hormone disrupting medicine
Understanding PCOS?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal imbalance that affects the reproductive age. In addition, high amounts of hormones like androgen and testosterone can lead to irregular periods. It is also one of the causes that disturb ovulation of eggs. As a result, difficulty in ovulation can lead to infertility in the future. Some of the symptoms of PCOS are abnormal hair growth, acne, and cyst in the ovaries. Furthermore, some of the diseases that stay for a longer time are heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The exact cause of PCOS is still unidentified, but these symptoms can be cured with several lifestyle changes, medication, and surgical treatment.
Sometimes, PCOS and PCOD can not be identified at the initial stage, so here are some of the common symptoms that impact ovulation and can be the reason for infertility.
- Abnormal periods
- Skipped menstrual period.
- Abnormal increment in male hormones like androgen and testosterone.
- Cyst developed in the ovaries.
Can PCOD impact fertility?
Yes, having PCOD does not affect fertility, and women can get pregnant with this condition. However, it just needs some attention to maintain a healthy life routine, and some medication can help to treat PCOD.
After reading a concise introduction about PCOS and PCOD. Now, understand the cause of PCOS and PCOD.
Causes of PCOS and PCOD
The actual causes of PCOS/PCOD is unclear till now. Here are factors that will help to understand the related causes of PCOS/PCOD:
- Low grade inflammation: PCOS can be the reason for low grade inflammation that leads to an increase in the level of androgen that can be the cause of heart problems and blood vessels.
- Genetic: Females with PCOS can have this condition with genes. Correlation of certain genetics is one of the reasons for PCOS.
- Extreme production of Insulin: excessive amount of male hormones or androgen that might be a factor of increased body weight. It is one of the causes that creates difficulty in ovulation.
- High amount of androgen: The irregular production of androgen hormones can result in excessive Hair fall and hair growth, and acne. Ovaries produce these androgens that are abnormal in amount for the female body.
Advised treatment to cure PCOS/PCOD
PCOS and PCOD treatment treat the condition of abnormal periods, hirsutism, acne, pimples, infertility and obesity. In addition, the doctors plan the treatment according to the needs of the body and medical condition. The treatment plan starts with changes in lifestyle, diet plan and some hormone balancing medication. Specifically, lifestyle changes focus on issues like weight loss, exercise and a healthy diet. Moreover, balanced and protein diets help to maintain the body weight that leads to functioning the menstrual cycle properly.
Some of the common and effective treatment include:
- Treatment for infertility with medication and injections.
- Activation of ovulation with oral medicine and injections help the quality and quantity of eggs.
- Reducing extreme forms of hair growth.
- Improve the cycles of periods with medication. It also treats the imbalance of hormone and Insulin resistance.
- Treatment for pimples and acne.
IVF treatment for individuals with PCOS/PCOD.
Couples are facing infertility worldwide. Sometimes, the cause of infertility is clear, but sometimes it remains unidentified. If the couple is unable to conceive naturally and the female partner may have conditions like PCOS and PCOD, then conceiving a child through IVF is the only way. In fact, IVF treatment in India is one of the most cost-effective treatments compared to Western countries. Moreover, connecting with a medical health advisor will make the journey easier. If you are planning to get IVF treatment, IVF treatment in India is one of the best platforms to connect. The team of IVF treatment India will plan your complete journey hassle-free, according to your time and need. Ultimately, the best fertility clinics for IVF and the best IVF specialists are two of the main key factors of the IVF treatment India team.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal imbalance that affects the reproductive age. High amounts of hormones like androgen and testosterone can lead to irregular periods.
Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) is a condition where ovaries develop immature or slightly mature eggs. These eggs sometimes are unable to ovulate and become cyst overtime.
PCOD and PCOS is a condition that impacts a female’s ovaries.